Samples and Templates

These samples are just a teaser of the type of cards you can create. Go ahead and tweak them to make any scenario possible!

Important note about accessibility: In version 1.3 of the schema we introduced a label property on Inputs to improve accessibility. If the Host app you are targetting supports v1.3 you should use label instead of a TextBlock as seen in some samples below. Once most Host apps have updated to the latest version we will update the samples accordingly.

Choose sample:

Templating enables the separation of data from the layout in an Adaptive Card. It helps design a card once, and then populate it with real data at runtime. Note: The binding syntax changed in May 2020. Get started with templating

Restaurant sample

	"$schema": "",
	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"version": "1.0",
	"body": [
			"type": "ColumnSet",
			"columns": [
					"type": "Column",
					"width": 2,
					"items": [
							"type": "TextBlock",
							"text": "Redmond, WA",
							"wrap": true
							"type": "TextBlock",
							"text": "Malt & Vine",
							"weight": "bolder",
							"size": "extraLarge",
							"spacing": "none",
							"wrap": true
							"type": "TextBlock",
							"text": "4.5 stars (176 reviews) · mid-priced",
							"isSubtle": true,
							"spacing": "none",
							"wrap": true
							"type": "TextBlock",
							"text": "**Blaire S.** said \"Great concept and a wide selection of beers both on tap and bottled! Smaller wine selection than I wanted, but the variety of beers certainly made up for that. Although I didn't order anything, my boyfriend got a beer and he loved it. Their prices are fair too. \n\nThe concept is really awesome. It's a bar/store that you can bring outside food into. The place was pretty packed tonight. I wish we had stayed for more than one drink. I would have loved to sample everything!\"",
							"size": "small",
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							"type": "Image",
							"url": "",
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							"altText": "Seated guest drinking a cup of coffee"
	"actions": [
			"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
			"title": "More Info",
			"url": ""
	"@context": "",
	"@type": "LocalBusiness",
	"name": "Malt \u0026 Vine",
	"url": "",
	"address": {
		"addressLocality": "Redmond",
		"addressRegion": "WA",
		"streetAddress": "16851 Redmond Way",
		"postalCode": "98052",
		"addressCountry": "US"
	"image": "",
	"imageAlt": "image of beer growlers on a table",
	"telephone": "+14258816461",
	"aggregateRating": {
		"reviewCount": 176,
		"@type": "AggregateRating",
		"ratingValue": 4.5
	"review": [{
		"reviewRating": {
			"ratingValue": 4
		"datePublished": "2014-11-28",
		"description": "Great concept and a wide selection of beers both on tap and bottled! Smaller wine selection than I wanted, but the variety of beers certainly made up for that. Although I didn't order anything, my boyfriend got a beer and he loved it. Their prices are fair too. \n\nThe concept is really awesome. It's a bar/store that you can bring outside food into. The place was pretty packed tonight. I wish we had stayed for more than one drink. I would have loved to sample everything!",
		"author": "Blaire S."
	"priceRange": "mid-priced"
Template JSON
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Adaptive Card