Schema Explorer

Choose element:

Important note about accessibility: In version 1.3 of the schema we introduced a label property on Inputs to improve accessibility. If the Host app you are targeting supports v1.3 you should use label instead of a TextBlock as seen in some samples below. Once most Host apps have updated to the latest version we will update the samples accordingly.


Represents an entry for Action.ToggleVisibility’s targetElements property

Property Type Required Description Version
elementId string Yes Element ID of element to toggle 1.0
isVisible boolean? No If true, always show target element. If false, always hide target element. If not supplied, toggle target element’s visibility. 1.0



Element ID of element to toggle

  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes


If true, always show target element. If false, always hide target element. If not supplied, toggle target element's visibility.

  • Type: boolean?
  • Required: No