Schema Explorer

Choose element:

Important note about accessibility: In version 1.3 of the schema we introduced a label property on Inputs to improve accessibility. If the Host app you are targeting supports v1.3 you should use label instead of a TextBlock as seen in some samples below. Once most Host apps have updated to the latest version we will update the samples accordingly.


Provides a way to display data in a tabular form.

Introduced in version 1.5

Property Type Required Description Version
type "Table" Yes Must be "Table". 1.5
columns TableColumnDefinition[] No Defines the number of columns in the table, their sizes, and more. 1.5
rows TableRow[] No Defines the rows of the table. 1.5
firstRowAsHeader boolean No, default: true Specifies whether the first row of the table should be treated as a header row, and be announced as such by accessibility software. 1.5
showGridLines boolean No, default: true Specifies whether grid lines should be displayed. 1.5
gridStyle ContainerStyle? No, default: "default" Defines the style of the grid. This property currently only controls the grid’s color. 1.5
horizontalCellContentAlignment HorizontalAlignment? No Controls how the content of all cells is horizontally aligned by default. When not specified, horizontal alignment is defined on a per-cell basis. 1.5
verticalCellContentAlignment VerticalAlignment? No Controls how the content of all cells is vertically aligned by default. When not specified, vertical alignment is defined on a per-cell basis. 1.5

Inherited properties

Property Type Required Description Version
fallback Element, FallbackOption No Describes what to do when an unknown element is encountered or the requires of this or any children can’t be met. 1.2
height BlockElementHeight No Specifies the height of the element. 1.1
separator boolean No When true, draw a separating line at the top of the element. 1.5
spacing Spacing No Controls the amount of spacing between this element and the preceding element. 1.5
id string No A unique identifier associated with the item. 1.5
isVisible boolean No, default: true If false, this item will be removed from the visual tree. 1.2
requires Dictionary<string> No A series of key/value pairs indicating features that the item requires with corresponding minimum version. When a feature is missing or of insufficient version, fallback is triggered. 1.2


	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"$schema": "",
	"version": "1.5",
	"body": [
			"type": "Table",
			"gridStyle": "accent",
			"firstRowAsHeaders": true,
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 1
					"width": 3
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Name",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Type",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Description",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
					"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "good",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "columns",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "warning",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "ColumnDefinition[]",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "accent",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Defines the table's columns (number of columns, and column sizes).",
									"wrap": true
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "good",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "rows",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "accent",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "TableRow[]",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "attention",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Defines the rows of the Table, each being a collection of cells. Rows are not required, which allows empty Tables to be generated via templating without breaking the rendering of the whole card.",
									"wrap": true
			"type": "Table",
			"gridStyle": "accent",
			"firstRowAsHeaders": true,
			"showGridLines" : false,
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 1
					"width": 3
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Name",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Type",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Description",
									"wrap": true,
									"weight": "Bolder"
					"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "good",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "columns",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "warning",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "ColumnDefinition[]",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "accent",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Defines the table's columns (number of columns, and column sizes).",
									"wrap": true
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "good",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "rows",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "accent",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "TableRow[]",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"style": "attention",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Defines the rows of the Table, each being a collection of cells. Rows are not required, which allows empty Tables to be generated via templating without breaking the rendering of the whole card.",
									"wrap": true
Adaptive Card



Defines the number of columns in the table, their sizes, and more.

  • Type: TableColumnDefinition[]
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • TableColumnDefinition


Defines the rows of the table.

  • Type: TableRow[]
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • TableRow


Specifies whether the first row of the table should be treated as a header row, and be announced as such by accessibility software.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No, default: true


Specifies whether grid lines should be displayed.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No, default: true
	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"$schema": "",
	"version": "1.5",
	"body": [
			"type": "TextBlock",
			"text": "Table with gridlines",
			"wrap": true,
			"style": "heading"
			"type": "Table",
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 1
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "showGridLines value",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Behavior",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "true",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Cells are separated by 1px width gridlines",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "false",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Cells are separated by the cell spacing value configued in hostconfig",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
			"type": "TextBlock",
			"text": "Table without gridlines",
			"wrap": true,
			"style": "heading"
			"type": "Table",
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 1
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "showGridLines value",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Behavior",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "true",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Cells are separated by 1px width gridlines",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "false",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Cells are separated by the cell spacing value configued in hostconfig",
									"wrap": true
							"style": "accent"
			"showGridLines": false
Adaptive Card


Defines the style of the grid. This property currently only controls the grid's color.

  • Type: ContainerStyle?
  • Required: No, default: "default"
  • Allowed values:
    • "default"
    • "emphasis"
    • "good": Added in version 1.2.
    • "attention": Added in version 1.2.
    • "warning": Added in version 1.2.
    • "accent": Added in version 1.2.
	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"$schema": "",
	"version": "1.5",
	"body": [
			"type": "TextBlock",
			"text": "GridStyle sets the color of the gridlines to the corresponding border color defined in host config",
			"wrap": true,
			"weight": "Bolder"
			"type": "Table",
			"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Center",
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 3
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "gridStyle Value",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Sample table",
									"wrap": true
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Good",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"gridStyle": "good"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Warning",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"gridStyle": "warning"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Attention",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"gridStyle": "attention"
			"showGridLines": false,
			"firstRowAsHeaders": true
Adaptive Card


Controls how the content of all cells is horizontally aligned by default. When not specified, horizontal alignment is defined on a per-cell basis.

  • Type: HorizontalAlignment?
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • "left"
    • "center"
    • "right"
	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"$schema": "",
	"version": "1.5",
	"body": [
			"type": "TextBlock",
			"text": "You can configure the horizontal alignment of table content with HorizontalCellContentAlignement",
			"wrap": true,
			"weight": "Bolder"
			"type": "Table",
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 3
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Left",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"horizontalCellContentAlignment": "Left"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Center",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"horizontalCellContentAlignment": "Center"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Right",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "Data",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"horizontalCellContentAlignment": "Right"
			"showGridLines": false,
			"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
			"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Center"
Adaptive Card


Controls how the content of all cells is vertically aligned by default. When not specified, vertical alignment is defined on a per-cell basis.

  • Type: VerticalAlignment?
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • "top"
    • "center"
    • "bottom"
	"type": "AdaptiveCard",
	"$schema": "",
	"version": "1.5",
	"body": [
			"type": "TextBlock",
			"text": "You can configure the vertical alignment of table content with VerticalCellContentAlignement",
			"wrap": true,
			"weight": "Bolder"
			"type": "Table",
			"columns": [
					"width": 1
					"width": 3
			"rows": [
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Top",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Top"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Center",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Center"
					"type": "TableRow",
					"cells": [
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "TextBlock",
									"text": "Bottom",
									"wrap": true
							"type": "TableCell",
							"items": [
									"type": "Table",
									"columns": [
											"width": 1
											"width": 1
									"rows": [
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
											"type": "TableRow",
											"cells": [
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A little bit of text.",
															"wrap": true
													"type": "TableCell",
													"items": [
															"type": "TextBlock",
															"text": "A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. A lot of text. ",
															"wrap": true
									"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
									"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Bottom"
			"showGridLines": false,
			"firstRowAsHeaders": false,
			"verticalCellContentAlignment": "Center"
Adaptive Card


Describes what to do when an unknown element is encountered or the requires of this or any children can't be met.

  • Type: Element, FallbackOption
  • Version : 1.2
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • ActionSet
    • ColumnSet
    • Container
    • FactSet
    • Image
    • ImageSet
    • Input.ChoiceSet
    • Input.Date
    • Input.Number
    • Input.Text
    • Input.Time
    • Input.Toggle
    • Media
    • RichTextBlock
    • Table
    • TextBlock
    • "drop": Causes this element to be dropped immediately when unknown elements are encountered. The unknown element doesn't bubble up any higher.


Specifies the height of the element.

  • Type: BlockElementHeight
  • Version : 1.1
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • "auto": The height of the container will be determined by the height of its contents.
    • "stretch": The container will stretch its height to the available remaining height of the parent container.


When true, draw a separating line at the top of the element.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No


Controls the amount of spacing between this element and the preceding element.

  • Type: Spacing
  • Required: No
  • Allowed values:
    • "default"
    • "none"
    • "small"
    • "medium"
    • "large"
    • "extraLarge"
    • "padding"


A unique identifier associated with the item.

  • Type: string
  • Required: No


If false, this item will be removed from the visual tree.

  • Type: boolean
  • Version : 1.2
  • Required: No, default: true


A series of key/value pairs indicating features that the item requires with corresponding minimum version. When a feature is missing or of insufficient version, fallback is triggered.

  • Type: Dictionary<string>
  • Version : 1.2
  • Required: No